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Secure Currency Exchange

Our service enables quick and convenient exchange of various cryptocurrencies. Completing an exchange in just a few clicks is effortless, thanks to our user-friendly interface. You always get the most favorable exchange rate with us. We prioritize offering the most advantageous conditions for our clients.

KingsExchange - instant exchange of Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum and others.
Exchange Rate:
Favorable Exchange Rate

The exchange rate is fixed during the exchange process. You won't lose out due to exchange rate fluctuations. Our clients receive quality service and conditions.

Support Service

We are always ready to assist our clients with payment processing and answer their main questions. Operators are available around the clock for you.

Available 24/7

According to our statistics, processing requests during nighttime takes up to 30 minutes. During peak hours, the average wait time is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Dear customers, the amount to be received is fixed if the exchange rate change is no more than 0.3%. If the amount to be received changes by more than 0.3%, the request will be recalculated or a refund will be issued according to the website's rules. The commission for cryptocurrency refunds will be deducted from the received amount. The exchange rate is based on the following platforms: Binance, Forex, XE. We conduct AML checks on customers' funds to prevent violations of the law. If any violations are detected in your transaction, the exchange point will be forced to suspend the exchange operation until a full investigation is completed. A refund will be processed after the verification.


Tether TRC20 (USDT)
3286218.34 USDT
Tether ERC-20 (USDT)
50087.72 USDT
97618.15 USDT
Tether BEP-20 (USDT)
77785.07 USDT
12845.03 USDC
10101.00 USDC
10816.71 USD
Privat 24 UAH
9807604.75 UAH
9884450.33 UAH
Ощадбанк UAH
10000000.00 UAH
УкрСиббанк UAH
9989992.67 UAH
10000000.00 UAH
A-Bank UAH
10000000.00 UAH
Izibank UAH
10000000.0000 UAH
10000000.00 UAH
Райффайзен UAH
10000000.00 UAH
Sense Bank UAH
10000000.00 UAH
Visa/MasterCard UAH
9960377.20 UAH
Volet KZT
0.00 KZT
Volet TRY
0.00 TRY
Volet UAH
1609218.00 UAH
Volet USD
192039.25 USD
Volet EUR
1054.26 EUR
Payeer EUR
7952.94 EUR
Payeer USD
68616.75 USD
Perfect Money EUR
915.40 EUR
Perfect Money USD
7449.35 USD
6.363605 BTC
Ethereum (ETH)
16.371731 ETH
BinanceCoin BEP20
3804.62 BNB
334818 TRX
Ripple (XRP)
384973 XRP
256.2911 LTC
Shiba ERC20 (SHIB)
571870744.78 SHIB
Solana (SOL)
102.6050 SOL
1400.00 NEO
Polygon (MATIC)
9597.62 MATIC
121371.45 DOGE
Ether Classic (ETC)
397.84 ETC
NEAR Protocol (NEAR)
3977.36 NEAR

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